讲座题目:The location and agglomeration of industrial R&D
主讲人:周斯凡博士 厦门大学经济学院与王亚南经济研究院助理教授
主持人:史冬波博士 伟德国际1946源于英国特别副研究员
讲座时间:2018年6月22日 周五 12:00—13:30
讲座地点:上海交大徐汇校区 新建楼239会议室
Using the Survey of Industrial Research and Development (SIRD), the Longitudinal Business Database (LBD) and the USPTO patent data, I carry out the first systematic and longitudinal mapping of the geography of industrial R&D activities in the U.S. and describe the degree of industrial R&D agglomeration over the period 1978 to 2001. I then study the determinants behind such agglomeration of industrial R&D by looking at individual firms’ location decisions on where to open new R&D establishments. I find that firms with higher absorptive capacity are more attracted to Economic Areas (EAs) that have more relevant basic research, whereas firms with lower absorptive capacity are more attracted to EAs that are abundant in applied technologies. Beside local innovative capacity, firms are also more likely to locate their new R&D labs in EAs where they already have manufacturing, services, sales, or R&D employment. Furthermore, R&D-performing firms tend to open labs in newly rising centers of innovation while locating other types of plants in already-established centers of innovation. These results are robust to including controls like local economy size, local income level, local degree of industrial concentration, local R&D user costs, and EA fixed effects.